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Optimal digital human modeling for smart workplace simulation

In smart workplace simulation, digital human motion simulation has been considered to design human motion behavior. In this regard, real-time human motion has been acquired through wearable motion capture systems such as Inertial measurement units. In our lab, a commercially available motion capturing systems are being used for capturing human workers perform tasks in manual and automated smart workplace. However, the simulations sometime produce inaccurate motion due to the digital human model and skeleton rig mismatching. Therefore, this master thesis aims to research freely available digital human modeling (including mor-phable skin mesh and rig) solutions, implement the best candidate solution and then analyze the out-put measures regarding the accuracy, performance, and applicability (see figure below).


Ansprechpartner: Tadele Belay Tuli, M.Sc.
Telefon: +49 271 740 - 2266
E-Mail: tadele-belay.tuli@uni-siegen.de

Optimal digital human modeling for smart workplace simulation

In smart workplace simulation, digital human motion simulation has been considered to design human motion behavior. In this regard, real-time human motion has been acquired through wearable motion capture systems such as Inertial measurement units. In our lab, a commercially available motion capturing systems are being used for capturing human workers perform tasks in manual and automated smart workplace. However, the simulations sometime produce inaccurate motion due to the digital human model and skeleton rig mismatching. Therefore, this master thesis aims to research freely available digital human modeling (including mor-phable skin mesh and rig) solutions, implement the best candidate solution and then analyze the out-put measures regarding the accuracy, performance, and applicability (see figure below).


Ansprechpartner: Tadele Belay Tuli, M.Sc.
Telefon: +49 271 740 - 2266
E-Mail: tadele-belay.tuli@uni-siegen.de
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